Losing Your Spark (Spark Plug Replacement)
January 28, 2024
When's the last time you thought about spark plugs? You probably don't remember. That's because spark plugs usually last a long time and don't need much attention. But they don't last forever, and when they start going bad, they'll send you a few clues. Vehicle is hard to start. Fuel economy ... More

What's up with Diesels in Cincinnati?
January 21, 2024
Would you be surprised to learn that about half of the passenger cars in Europe have diesel engines? You might also be surprised to learn that most manufacturers produce a variety of diesel-fueled cars for purchase abroad.Diesel-fueled vehicles haven't been as popular in the North American marke... More

Don't Do It Yourself (Perils of DIY Vehicle Repair)
January 14, 2024
Your vehicle is a complicated machine, and yes, it would be nice if you could take care of all of its problems yourself. There was a time when vehicles were simpler and it wasn't too hard for a weekend mechanic to replace brakes, adjust a carburetor or perform a tune-up. But vehicles are far mo... More

Fuel Injection: It Keeps Getting Better for Cincinnati Drivers
January 7, 2024
Cincinnati residents know that engines need to burn fuel to operate. Fuel is pumped from your fuel tank to your vehicle engine where it is squirtedor injectedinto your engine's cylinders. This is the function of the fuel injectors.There are two ways to inject fuel into an engine. Fuel needs air ... More

Fuel Injection Basics for Cincinnati
January 1, 2024
All modern Cincinnati vehicles come with fuel injection systems, so it's a topic Cincinnati drivers need to know something about. The mighty fuel injector is a valve that delivers the gas or diesel fuel to the right place, in the right amount at the right timeto be mixed with air and burned in th... More