Taking the Heat (Heater Hose Maintenance/Repair)

January 26, 2025

If you have an internal combustion vehicle, you know it has a lot of hoses that carry various fluids. And if you have a heater in your vehicle, you'll have heater hoses. A heater hose connects to and from the engine so some coolant can be circulated through a little radiator called a heater core... More

Not So Hot in Cincinnati

July 21, 2024

When the weather turns cold, it's nice to crank up the furnace and enjoy the heat. But if your home's furnace doesn't work, it's not too comfortable. Same goes with your vehicle. When the heater's not working, things can get miserable. It could also signal some major problems, which we'll discuss... More

How to Radiate Cool (Radiator Care)

March 24, 2024

There's nothing that radiates cool like a vehicle radiator that's helping to keep your engine running at the proper temperature. You don't have to baby it, but you can't simply ignore it, either. Let's take a quick dive under the hood to let you know what the radiator is doing. It takes the he... More

Keeping Your Cool (Coolant leak repair)

March 5, 2023

If theres one thing you should pay attention to with your vehicle, its the temperature gauge. Its the one that may say C---H (that means cold---hot). Or maybe yours has a picture of a thermometer on it and a blue and red zone. If you see the needle heading farther to the H or red area, that mea... More

Tuffy Toledo (Fields-Ertel) Radiator Service

December 16, 2022

The coolant system is a vital part of your vehicle. It is also the second most common cause for vehicle failures. Even though coolant system failure is fairly common in Cincinnati, it is easy to prevent. The most recognizable part of the coolant system is the radiator. It is connected to the engi... More

Smart Cincinnati Drivers Protect Against Overheating

July 16, 2017

Engines get hot when they run. This heat can build up and damage vital engine parts, so engines need a cooling system to keep them running. Cooling system failure is the most common mechanical failure in vehicles. This is unfortunate, because these failures are usually easy for Cincinnati... More

Coolant/Antifreeze Service in Cincinnati, Ohio

February 7, 2017

Cincinnati auto owners may know that most automotive failures in Cincinnati, Ohio are tire related, but do you know the second most common cause for vehicle failure? Nope, it's not teenagers. It is the coolant system. But, if you take good care of your vehicle coolant system, it will take... More

Engine Hydration for Cincinnati Drivers: Role of Your Water Pump

October 30, 2016

The cooling system in an engine has five components: the radiator, the radiator cap, the hoses, the thermostat and the water pump. The water is literally the heart of the system. Just as your own heart keeps your blood circulating through your body, the water pump keeps coolant circulating throug... More

Cool Running in Cincinnati

February 24, 2016

Unless you live in Death Valley, you really don't hear much any more about cars overheating. That's because cooling systems in vehicles have been much improved. That doesn't mean you can't overheat your vehicle engine, though. Without proper preventive maintenance, you could still find yourself... More

Coolant Antifreeze Service In Cincinnati, Ohio

February 5, 2016

Cincinnati car owners may know that most automotive failures in Cincinnati, Ohio are tire related, but do you know the second most common cause for vehicle failure? Nope, it's not teenagers. It is the coolant system. But, if you take good care of your SUV coolant system, it will take... More

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